Saturday, September 4, 2010

Simplifying Life

I occasionally read this awesome blog, zen habits. They recently made a post titled, "a brief guide to life," and it really inspired me and left me thinking.While I continue to try and move past being an intern, and into a "real job," find a more reasonably priced apartment and roommate, make friends in this new city and all around figure out my life, it can get pretty stressful. I'm always worrying about what will happen next, and this post honestly made me realize that I DO need to just take a step back and breath. I'm grateful for how far I've come in the last year, and I know that my hard work and dedication will eventually pay off. Sometimes, its the simple things that matter most.

Maybe someone else will find this as inspirational as I did.

"less TV, more reading
less shopping, more outdoors
less clutter, more space
less rush, more slowness
less consuming, more creating
less junk, more real food
less busywork, more impact
less driving, more walking
less noise, more solitude
less focus on the future, more on the present
less work, more play
less worry, more smiles
*courtesy of*

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