I'm not the biggest Halloween person. I think it goes back to the 7th grade, when my Dad told me that I was "too old" for trick-or-treating, BUT he allowed my younger brother to keep doing so until high school (still a bit bitter on this one.) Since then, I don't think I've dressed up. I've never gone to a costume party and I've never felt the need. Most costumes in college are girls just seeing who can wear the least amount of clothes, and that's just not my style. I also dont like scary movies, but I've never liked them, Halloween or otherwise!
I love decorations for Halloween, however. And passing out the candy to kids. And seeing all of their adorable costumes. And caramel apples and "spooky" treats. And carving pumpkins, and pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin bread. Apple orchards, haunted houses, corn maizes. All of that stuff, I just love. I already know that when I have a home and have kids someday, I will love Halloween!
In the Halloween spirit, here are a few of my favorite photos of food and decorations; courtesy of Martha Stewart.
Happy Halloween!
Umm. PS how awesome would it be to go squash bowling?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Gurnsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society
What: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
By: Marry Ann Schaffer and Annie Barrows
My thoughts: I finished reading this last night; and stayed up past my "bedtime" to finish it. What an amazing book. I've always enjoyed books that have some sort of historical reference, and this one takes place in London/the island of Guernsey post-World War II. It took me awhile to finish this book but last night I couldnt stop; I read the last 1/3 of it in one sitting. One thing that freaked me out, was thinking about how I'd react if something that devastating and horrendous ever were to happen to me - I'm not sure I'd be as strong as the people who survived WWII and concentration camps.
The entire book is a series of telegrams/letters, and despite the fact that its not a "traditional" book, you still become extremely connected to Juliet, the main character, as well as Kit, Sidney, Elizabeth, Remy and all the islanders. The book is sad, particularly in hearing about families and lives torn apart by the war, and the concentration camps. But, its also inspirational to hear about the strength these people had living during such a horrible time period of total devastation, and how they began to rebuild their lives.
I want to read/learn more about Guernsey; I've never heard much about this island before and now am extremely curious.
My rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars. I'd highly recommend reading this book.
What's next: The Girl who Played with Fire - Stieg Larson
What are you reading?
Daily Dose of Cute
aaand for your daily dose of cute for the day, the Smithsonian's National Zoo Flickr Page features photos of 8-week-old tiger cubs attempting to swim. Adorable.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Starbucks goes digital?
As an (admittedly self-proclaimed) caffeinista, it's only fitting that I should mention the recent announcement of Starbucks' new Digital Network. I am quite curious about this, and am considering a weekend trip to Starbucks with some reading and my laptop to check out the program for myself first hand. While it definitely sounds impressive, I'm leaning towards agreeing with Mashable's beliefs that they may simply be offering too much information all at once, to the point where you'd be overwhelmed at where to even begin when they open the network.
Personally, I would use it to read all of The New York Times content for free, as well at least see what types of books and ITunes apps they have available. I get that Starbucks' is trying to emphasize the fact that many college students/working milllenials already use Starbucks as a place to have casual meetings/informational interviews, or sometimes (at least on my college campus) full out interviews. Therefore, having LinkedIn extras makes sense. I just am not sure I'd ever grab my coffee from Starbucks just to use this service.
The channel I'm most interested in checking out is the "Neighborhood"one, because you can check out restaurants and events in the area.
Unfortunately, in efforts to save more than $25 a week, I've all but cut Starbucks out of my budget (MAJOR sadface, considering my love for Starbucks' lattes). If this had came out while I was in college still; well I never would have gotten any paper writing or studying done while doing my daily hours of work at my local Starbucks.
So, thank you, Starbucks for waiting until I safely graduated and did not have this amazing program that epitomizes procrastination, begging me to waste time on it.
Personally, I would use it to read all of The New York Times content for free, as well at least see what types of books and ITunes apps they have available. I get that Starbucks' is trying to emphasize the fact that many college students/working milllenials already use Starbucks as a place to have casual meetings/informational interviews, or sometimes (at least on my college campus) full out interviews. Therefore, having LinkedIn extras makes sense. I just am not sure I'd ever grab my coffee from Starbucks just to use this service.
The channel I'm most interested in checking out is the "Neighborhood"one, because you can check out restaurants and events in the area.
Unfortunately, in efforts to save more than $25 a week, I've all but cut Starbucks out of my budget (MAJOR sadface, considering my love for Starbucks' lattes). If this had came out while I was in college still; well I never would have gotten any paper writing or studying done while doing my daily hours of work at my local Starbucks.
So, thank you, Starbucks for waiting until I safely graduated and did not have this amazing program that epitomizes procrastination, begging me to waste time on it.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
All You Can Jet - Would you?
Traveling has long been a passion of mine, but being a recent college graduate in her first full-time job, I sadly do not have much money leftover to spend on travels. A very interesting article on The New York Times blog "Frugal Traveler" got me thinking. Would I love Jet Blue's summer promo (which I had never heard about before!) "All You Can Jet Pass," $499 for 30 days of unlimited travels, or $699 to include weekend dates?
Setting aside the fact that Jet Blue unfortunately does not fly in or out of the Mitten, and has limited flights to/from DC (although I can fly to Cancun from Dulles.. hmm...), this is a concept I find extremely intriguing for multiple reasons. If it were an airline that offered more direct flights and more airports to choose from, then I'd probably sign up in a heartbeat. Jet Blue does offer a lot of flights to the Caribbean, but I have no idea how many of those are direct flights (I'm NOT a fan of layovers). Heck, one round-trip ticket back to my family sets me back close to $300 when it's all said and done. Flying these days is simply too expensive, and it makes me sad.
If I had a job that required me to fly to major cities on a regular in the US, such as NYC, Boston, Chicago, LA, etc., this would be a perfect plan. Or if I had a month's vacation time to just pick up and travel around, I'd do it as well. To be spontaneous, and just hop on a random flight to somewhere new (knowing that it's already paid for) would be... well, amazing. I highly recommend you read the article, where people discuss how they used their Jet Blue pass, and also the power of social media to share their experiences. One man flew 70 times in 30 days! I can't even imagine. Another was focused on philanthropy and poverty. Everyone had a different reason for using it, and I think that's why I enjoyed the article so much. That, and I was living vicariously through these "Jet Bluers" while reading it. *Sigh* I want to travel now!
So, to answer my own question. If I had the money, and at the very least, the ability to take long weekends, I would sign up for it in a heartbeat. I think that the adventure of it all would be a great experience and an excuse to get to some amazing places I've never been. Hey, I gotta reach my goal of traveling to all 50 states somehow! Maybe other airlines will follow Jet Blue's example and someday have similar promotions? I doubt it, but it's a nice idea.
Would you do it?
Setting aside the fact that Jet Blue unfortunately does not fly in or out of the Mitten, and has limited flights to/from DC (although I can fly to Cancun from Dulles.. hmm...), this is a concept I find extremely intriguing for multiple reasons. If it were an airline that offered more direct flights and more airports to choose from, then I'd probably sign up in a heartbeat. Jet Blue does offer a lot of flights to the Caribbean, but I have no idea how many of those are direct flights (I'm NOT a fan of layovers). Heck, one round-trip ticket back to my family sets me back close to $300 when it's all said and done. Flying these days is simply too expensive, and it makes me sad.
If I had a job that required me to fly to major cities on a regular in the US, such as NYC, Boston, Chicago, LA, etc., this would be a perfect plan. Or if I had a month's vacation time to just pick up and travel around, I'd do it as well. To be spontaneous, and just hop on a random flight to somewhere new (knowing that it's already paid for) would be... well, amazing. I highly recommend you read the article, where people discuss how they used their Jet Blue pass, and also the power of social media to share their experiences. One man flew 70 times in 30 days! I can't even imagine. Another was focused on philanthropy and poverty. Everyone had a different reason for using it, and I think that's why I enjoyed the article so much. That, and I was living vicariously through these "Jet Bluers" while reading it. *Sigh* I want to travel now!
So, to answer my own question. If I had the money, and at the very least, the ability to take long weekends, I would sign up for it in a heartbeat. I think that the adventure of it all would be a great experience and an excuse to get to some amazing places I've never been. Hey, I gotta reach my goal of traveling to all 50 states somehow! Maybe other airlines will follow Jet Blue's example and someday have similar promotions? I doubt it, but it's a nice idea.
Would you do it?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The season of booties
Errr.... by booties, I definitely meant shoes! It is officially fall in the district, and I can finally wear my boots again. I was so disappointed waking up Monday morning, to realize that I do not have a pair of boots appropriate to wear with dresses. Yes, I have uggs, and slouchy boots, and short suede booties, a pair that kind of look like cowboy boots. But nothing work appropriate to wear with my ridiculous number of skirts & dresses I'm not going to retire just because its cooler out. (The sad part, is that I came to this conclusion via BBMing with my fashion-forward, trendy Mom, who informed me that my originally planned outfit would just not do.)
After my Mom gave me a very distinct description of what types of boots to look for (a below the knee "tight" black boot, and a "shoe bootie," maybe brown), I went on an after work mission. Finding boots that fit just right is hard work.
While it took forever to find a pair I liked, and a LOT of texts/photos sent to my Mom, I ended up scoring the Steve Madden pair (above). I'll even begrudgingly admit my Mom was right, the boots I had tried to wear with a dress were absolutely terrible/inappropriate, especially comparison to these ones. They're super comfortable and looked great with the dress I wore to work today. I always eye the Steve Madden boots that Nordstorm has every year, so I'm happy to finally own them!
I never found a bootie I liked in the store, and apparently I misinterpreted my Mom's definition of "shoe bootie" after receiving at least 6 emails filled with links and photos of the types of shoe I should find.
I love my boots, so here are a few of my favorite "bootie" style shoes I've found while still searching for myself. A few of them are still possible contenders.
I absolutely LOVE these Anthro ones, but they do not have my size!
Not my normal style, but I like these Oxfords
Okay, so these are completely different, but I just really liked them.
So, what boots/shoes are you lusting after? Photos? Links? I need more inspiration!
After my Mom gave me a very distinct description of what types of boots to look for (a below the knee "tight" black boot, and a "shoe bootie," maybe brown), I went on an after work mission. Finding boots that fit just right is hard work.
While it took forever to find a pair I liked, and a LOT of texts/photos sent to my Mom, I ended up scoring the Steve Madden pair (above). I'll even begrudgingly admit my Mom was right, the boots I had tried to wear with a dress were absolutely terrible/inappropriate, especially comparison to these ones. They're super comfortable and looked great with the dress I wore to work today. I always eye the Steve Madden boots that Nordstorm has every year, so I'm happy to finally own them!
I never found a bootie I liked in the store, and apparently I misinterpreted my Mom's definition of "shoe bootie" after receiving at least 6 emails filled with links and photos of the types of shoe I should find.
I love my boots, so here are a few of my favorite "bootie" style shoes I've found while still searching for myself. A few of them are still possible contenders.
Piperlime |
Anthropologie |
Anthropologie |
Anthropologie |
Nordstrom |
So, what boots/shoes are you lusting after? Photos? Links? I need more inspiration!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Food on my mind
I promise, I don't always think about food this much! Today has been an absolutely perfect fall day, of walking outside in the gorgeous weather, shopping at a farmers market, and cleaning my apartment and gearing up for this week. I am counting down the weeks until my new apartment (4, if you're wondering) and get to go home for Thanksgiving, but enjoying fall in the district. I leave you with my food thoughts from this weekend.
On Friday night, my friend & wandered through Dupont searching for a new place to try. We had no idea what we were in the mood for, and she is a foodie as well (albeit a vegetarian one!) and my "food friend." We strolled into Ezme, a tiny Turkish tapas restaurant right off of Dupont Circle. It's very tiny and was packed, so we assumed it would be delicious. It did not disappoint. The food was amazing. It is mostly Mediterranean style food, we had an appetizer of scallops with Gruyere cheese. For my meal I had Doner Kebab, which is just gyro like meat, with rice and a yogurt sauce. YUMMY. We both agreed we'd go back.
I have a new Food Website/blog that I am simply obsessed with. Healthy Eats, part of Food Network. I wasted a good hour or two yesterday pouring through all the articles, and learning a lot about cooking and being healthier! Will be using their website frequently, I am sure.
I went to the Farmers Market today, also in Dupont. I've heard great things about it, but I've always opted for Eastern Market in the past. So, I put my walking shoes on, and walked (I didn't want to waste time transferring lines on such a nice day) to the market from the Foggy Bottom area. Wow. I was so impressed and will be going back next weekend! They had everything imaginable- although it was quite crowded. Fruits and veggies, meats, cheeses, eggs, anything you could want at fairly reasonable prices. I was in heaven, and tempted to buy a whole lot more than what I left with.
Apples are my favorite part of fall- apple cider, apple sauce, apples, and then I bought some cheese as well.
Sweet potatoes, squash, eggplants and a cucumber.
And now, my friends, I'm off to the grocery store to pick up a few extra things I need to make a yummy dinner with my foods, eggplant parmesan!
On Friday night, my friend & wandered through Dupont searching for a new place to try. We had no idea what we were in the mood for, and she is a foodie as well (albeit a vegetarian one!) and my "food friend." We strolled into Ezme, a tiny Turkish tapas restaurant right off of Dupont Circle. It's very tiny and was packed, so we assumed it would be delicious. It did not disappoint. The food was amazing. It is mostly Mediterranean style food, we had an appetizer of scallops with Gruyere cheese. For my meal I had Doner Kebab, which is just gyro like meat, with rice and a yogurt sauce. YUMMY. We both agreed we'd go back.
I have a new Food Website/blog that I am simply obsessed with. Healthy Eats, part of Food Network. I wasted a good hour or two yesterday pouring through all the articles, and learning a lot about cooking and being healthier! Will be using their website frequently, I am sure.
I went to the Farmers Market today, also in Dupont. I've heard great things about it, but I've always opted for Eastern Market in the past. So, I put my walking shoes on, and walked (I didn't want to waste time transferring lines on such a nice day) to the market from the Foggy Bottom area. Wow. I was so impressed and will be going back next weekend! They had everything imaginable- although it was quite crowded. Fruits and veggies, meats, cheeses, eggs, anything you could want at fairly reasonable prices. I was in heaven, and tempted to buy a whole lot more than what I left with.
Apples are my favorite part of fall- apple cider, apple sauce, apples, and then I bought some cheese as well.
Sweet potatoes, squash, eggplants and a cucumber.
And now, my friends, I'm off to the grocery store to pick up a few extra things I need to make a yummy dinner with my foods, eggplant parmesan!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Cooking Challenge Week 1 Update
A cooking challenge update: I'm not 100% sure why I chose my first full week at my job as the week to begin this challenge. It failed. Miserably. So, I'm chalking it up to my own poor planing abilities, and starting from scratch this upcoming week! Despite my failure, I did manage to make one pretty delicious meal on the fly earlier this week. I had chicken, goat cheese, and wanted to use both. Did a quick Food Network recipe search (I adore Food Network) and pulled up a recipe for goat cheese-stuffed chicken breast. It turned out delicious, was easy, and everything was already in my fridge/pantry!
A few "lessons learned" (as always):
Healthy meal recommendations, anyone? Low-calorie would be great, but still filling!
A few "lessons learned" (as always):
- I have issues with cooking chicken. Mine took about double the amount of time to bake - this may be because my chicken breast was thicker? I really don't know.
- I also recommend using a bit more goat cheese, if you're like me and have a love (and hate) relationship with cheese.
- I'm going to whip up a pasta salad so I can take it for lunch all next week.. but first I'm checking the calorie count!
- I'm considering investing in a crock pot this weekend, and making my own soups/stews/other meals. I kind of want to make chili. Anyone have good crock pot recipes to share?
- Some sort of taco dish? Any thoughts would be awesome!
Healthy meal recommendations, anyone? Low-calorie would be great, but still filling!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday 6.
My first week as a full-time worker is officially over, and here I sit on my couch, drinking coffee at 6:30 at night (probably not smart, but whatever.) Dinner & a night out awaits with my friend, but as she is a fan of later dinners, we will not be meeting until later. My friend over at Every Little Thing posted today a series of questions for her readers to answer, so in my time before eating, I thought I'd answer them. Here I go!
1) What is your favorite meal to cook?
I love making pasta salads, because they're easy to make and pretty to look at. Plus, they'll usually last me all week long. Speaking of pasta salad.. maybe I put one together for lunches next week! But, in terms of actual recipes/meals, I'd have to say chicken squares. They're SUPER easy (but not exactly the healthiest of meals.) The recipe isn't the exact one I use (I use a variation my Mom created), but its pretty darn close.
3) What is one thing on your Bucket List?
4) Do you want to go to your next class reunion? Why or why not?
5) 10 years ago today, who were you?
6) 10 years from now, who do you want to be?
1) What is your favorite meal to cook?
I love making pasta salads, because they're easy to make and pretty to look at. Plus, they'll usually last me all week long. Speaking of pasta salad.. maybe I put one together for lunches next week! But, in terms of actual recipes/meals, I'd have to say chicken squares. They're SUPER easy (but not exactly the healthiest of meals.) The recipe isn't the exact one I use (I use a variation my Mom created), but its pretty darn close.
2) What is your favorite meal to eat?
Basically anything that my mother makes is my favorite meal to eat! Some favorites include chicken enchiladas, spaghetti pie (again, not my exact recipe, but close!). Dang, I'm getting incredibly hungry now.
3) What is one thing on your Bucket List?
I would love to say that I've traveled/been to all 50 states. That's a goal of mine.
4) Do you want to go to your next class reunion? Why or why not?
I'm not 100% sure on this one. We apparently are not having a 5 year reunion, so this mean I wouldn't be going to one until 2015. The people that I want to see, I'm friends with and still talk to. I don't keep in touch with that many high school friends. I guess I'll have to re-evaluate this question in 5 years!
5) 10 years ago today, who were you?
Wow. 10 years ago.. I was in eighth grade. I tried every sport, but never made any of the teams, and was devastated. I was always a manager (NOT cool). I'm pretty sure I was a huge dork, and spent a lot of time trying to be "cool," but I remember that I spent a lot of time on AIM messaging my friends, because AOL was the just the best!
6) 10 years from now, who do you want to be?
In 10 years.. I'll be 33, which is scary! I hope to be happy in whatever I'm doing (hopefully what I'm doing now!), well-traveled, and successful. Still living in or near a city, and possibly married (??). I think whats most important to to me is I'm happy, still learning something new everyday and traveling. Also, spending time with my family. That's what is most important to me.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Master of rhymes
"People say that the word 'orange' doesn't rhyme with anything, and that kind of pisses me off, because I can think of a lot of things that rhyme with orange [...] If you enunciate it and make it more than one syllable — or-ange — you could say, like, 'I put my or-ange four-inch door hinge in stor-age and ate por-ridge with Ge-orge.'"-- EMINEM, talking to Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes (source)
Last night football screwed up my DVR recordings, so it recorded 60 Minutes, a show I never watch. When I saw that Anderson Cooper interviewed Eminem, I was intrigued and watched it. Say what you want about Eminem's music, but he is an absolutely fascinating man. He grew up on the wrong side of 8 Mile in Detroit (for all you non-Michiganders, there is a large chunk of 8 Mile that is not Detroit and is a good area!), never graduated high school and got into drugs (he is now sober); yet he says something like this quote above and makes millions.
He told Anderson that he used to read the dictionary for fun, to enhance his vocabulary and words to rhyme. He has a box filled with scraps of papers with thoughts & ideas. He can rap so fast I can barely understand what he's saying. I'm just incredibly fascinated by his story. The fact that he chose to have that massive concert in Detroit with Jay-Z, and telling Anderson that it was his first concert sober.. that's amazing. I wish I could have gone to that concert. I don't listen to his music that regularly, but I appreciate it. Maybe it's because he's from Michigan, I'm not sure. The 60 Minutes segment is definitely worth watching.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Weekend Recap
While my Wolverines could not get their act together to defeat the Spartans (the above photo summarizes how our awful defense kept being left in MSU's dust!), this was still a great weekend. I'm turning over a new leaf and trying to appreciate the great things in life, pushing the negatives aside. In the past I've been one to dwell on things I cannot change, but I'm starting to focus on what I can change. Changing my attitude, for one. Eating healthier, spending less money on frivolous items, starting to exercise. Make an effort to be more social. Stop living in the past. Smile more, frown less. Little things then when piled together, will make a huge difference!
Reasons this weekend was fabulous:
Reasons this weekend was fabulous:
- My new job at the most amazing PR firm, starts tomorrow, and I am so unbelievably excited. This factor alone would have made my weekend.
- Whilst cleaning out my bathroom counter, I came across a huge stash of money that I probably hid months ago. I'm low on funds right now, so this made my day!
- I made a pretty amazing buffalo chicken dip yesterday, and despite the high caloric count, is absolutely delicious.
- My parents are just amazing, and sent me a congrats edible arrangement's fruit basket. My Mom remembered me saying I've always wanted one, months ago.
- Halloween is almost here - I have festive cookies to make :)
- I watched endless amounts of How I Met Your Mother, which never fails to make me happy!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday Thoughts
- The start of hockey season makes me happy - The Wings home opener is tomorrow, and I desperately wish my slingbox was working so I could be able to watch all of my games. This will my first hockey season not home, and I'm kind of sad about it. I may have to get into the Capitals, at least it's not Pittsburgh!
- I've really started to enjoy tea - I've NEVER been a tea drinker; my life runs on coffee & caffeine. But an (expensive) stop into Teavana resorted me in me purchasing my own personal tea maker and some really yummy raspberry/lemon mixture of tea. HOLY COW, I am a tea convert. I still love my coffee... but tea is pretty great too.
- The breast cancer awareness thing on Facebook, where people state where they like to put their purse, really creeped me out at first. My mind automatically went to *ahem* "other things," when I see my Aunt and 15 year old cousin state they "like it on the floor."
- I am so freaking excited for the Michigan/Michigan State football game this weekend. I'm praying its on TV here, because if it is not, then I will be upset. This game will be EPIC. Too bad all my MSU friends have left DC for the weekend so I have no one to make fun of!
- Grey's Anatomy is back! I'm so happy that this season is looking up after last season was so horrific. Keep it coming, and show me some more Avery! Also love seeing Derek's sister (I know she's on Private Practice? I should watch that again...)
- Recent online buzz suggests that the iPhone may soon be coming to Verizon. Should this happen, I'm in trouble! I definitely would convert from the Blackberry if this is the case.
tv junkie
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Stuffed chicken with Tarragon pan sauce
In theory, I always think that I'd enjoy a week off with nothing to do. But now, 5 days in to my week long break before my job starts, I am bored. There's only so much TV, internet surfing, shopping & reading a girl can do when everyone else is at work.
I'm still excited for my cooking challenge and am starting to plan out my grocery list and recipes I want to do so I can stay in my budget.
In the meantime, I cooked dinner last night and this evening, both turned out pretty delicious. Last night, I made Mexican Fish & Chips, courtesy of a Food Network recipe (I'll share that another time). Tonight, I made a Rachel Ray recipe (notice the food network trend?) and I was pleasantly surprised!
Prosciutto, Garlic and Herb Cheese-stuffed Chicken with Tarragon Pan Sauce - (Rachel Ray - "365: No Repeats")
4 6-ounce boneless, skineless chicken breast halves
4 slices proscuitto di Parma
4 ounces garlic and herb cheese (they recommended Boursin)
3 tablespoons extra-virgin oilive oil
salt and pepper
2 tablespoonsunslated butter
2 tablesppons all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of white wine
1 cup chicken stock
2 tablespoons fresh tarragon leaves (I just used the stuff I had in my spice cabinet)
Place chicken in between two sheets of wax paper and pound out. Place one slice of prosciutto on top of each pounded chicken breast. Place a quarter of the garlic and herb cheese on top of each prosciutto slice.
Wrap and roll the chicken over the stuffing. Secure the meat with toothpicks.
Preheat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat with the EVOO. Season the stuffed and rolled chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Add the breasts to the pan and brown on all sides, cooking for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove the breasts; add the butter to the pan, then the flour. Cook for a minute, whisk in the wine, and reduce for another minute. Whisk in the stock and tarragon and return the chicken to the pan. Reduce the heat and simmer until ready to serve. Remove toothpicks and serve whole or sliced.
Serves 3-4
Lessons learned:
As always, thoughts, recipe or food ideas are always welcomed!
I'm still excited for my cooking challenge and am starting to plan out my grocery list and recipes I want to do so I can stay in my budget.
In the meantime, I cooked dinner last night and this evening, both turned out pretty delicious. Last night, I made Mexican Fish & Chips, courtesy of a Food Network recipe (I'll share that another time). Tonight, I made a Rachel Ray recipe (notice the food network trend?) and I was pleasantly surprised!
Prosciutto, Garlic and Herb Cheese-stuffed Chicken with Tarragon Pan Sauce - (Rachel Ray - "365: No Repeats")
4 6-ounce boneless, skineless chicken breast halves
4 slices proscuitto di Parma
4 ounces garlic and herb cheese (they recommended Boursin)
3 tablespoons extra-virgin oilive oil
salt and pepper
2 tablespoonsunslated butter
2 tablesppons all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of white wine
1 cup chicken stock
2 tablespoons fresh tarragon leaves (I just used the stuff I had in my spice cabinet)
Place chicken in between two sheets of wax paper and pound out. Place one slice of prosciutto on top of each pounded chicken breast. Place a quarter of the garlic and herb cheese on top of each prosciutto slice.
Wrap and roll the chicken over the stuffing. Secure the meat with toothpicks.
Preheat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat with the EVOO. Season the stuffed and rolled chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Add the breasts to the pan and brown on all sides, cooking for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove the breasts; add the butter to the pan, then the flour. Cook for a minute, whisk in the wine, and reduce for another minute. Whisk in the stock and tarragon and return the chicken to the pan. Reduce the heat and simmer until ready to serve. Remove toothpicks and serve whole or sliced.
Serves 3-4
Lessons learned:
- I wasn't sure how to pound the chicken, since I've always seen my parents use a mallet, which I currently do not have. A quick phone-call to my parents confirmed I could use a the bottom of a frying pan and pound out the meat that way.
- Also, the side of the meat with the toothpicks is difficult to cook since the toothpicks are in the way - just be mindful of this and you should be okay (I somehow maneuvered the chicken in the pan, and it worked)
- I served mine with some whole wheat spaghetti pasta, which was yummy
- I didnt cut it in half this time, but next time I will. It was super easy to make though, and not very time consuming - I think it took me 30ish minutes, which makes sense, since it was a 30 minute Rachel Ray meal :)
- Also, I totally need to buy some tongs next time I'm out - flipping around chicken is serious business!
The finished product! |
As always, thoughts, recipe or food ideas are always welcomed!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cooking Challenge:
After yet another trip to the grocery store where I spent far too much money, I've realized I need to make some changes. I love cooking and trying new recipes/foods, but cooking for one can be difficult. I can't continue spending so much money on food; it's literally going to bankrupt me! As I start my new job next week, and am looking to move into a new apartment (more on these topics at another time), it's time I grow up and become more cost conscious. I'd rather not be in debt later because of stupid decisions I make now. However, I don't believe this means I need to sacrifice cooking delicious meals for only one person; I just need to make smarter choices in the grocery store.
I've given myself a challenge. Spending no more than $40-50 a week at the grocery store, I must cook at least 3-5 meals (for one!) each week, in addition to using that money for breakfast/lunch foods. I'm lowering the number of meals purely because I know I'll eat leftovers, meet friends for dinners, and eat an occasional sandwich or frozen food. I know I may not be successful all the time, but I hope it will be a good experience. I don't have an end-date in mind; I'm going to see how long I can keep this going.
I will share this challenge on my blog, including my grocery lists, lessons learned, and of course, the recipes and my (hopeful) successes!
I'm very excited to try this, and hope it can teach me how to spend my money more wisely, as well as become a better cook and try new foods and different ways to cook things. I'm still a "beginner" as far as my cooking skills go, so I'm sure this will be very interesting.
While the challenge will start on Sunday (October 10), I have some recipes I'm trying this week that I will share, including a Mexican fish and chips recipe I'm attempting this evening.
Stay tuned!
I've given myself a challenge. Spending no more than $40-50 a week at the grocery store, I must cook at least 3-5 meals (for one!) each week, in addition to using that money for breakfast/lunch foods. I'm lowering the number of meals purely because I know I'll eat leftovers, meet friends for dinners, and eat an occasional sandwich or frozen food. I know I may not be successful all the time, but I hope it will be a good experience. I don't have an end-date in mind; I'm going to see how long I can keep this going.
I will share this challenge on my blog, including my grocery lists, lessons learned, and of course, the recipes and my (hopeful) successes!
I'm very excited to try this, and hope it can teach me how to spend my money more wisely, as well as become a better cook and try new foods and different ways to cook things. I'm still a "beginner" as far as my cooking skills go, so I'm sure this will be very interesting.
While the challenge will start on Sunday (October 10), I have some recipes I'm trying this week that I will share, including a Mexican fish and chips recipe I'm attempting this evening.
Stay tuned!

Monday, October 4, 2010
Detroit Tigers in Baltimore
As previously mentioned, my friend and I headed to Baltimore for a girls night and to catch the Tigers take on the Orioles at Oriole Park at Camdem Yards. We had a great time, despite the loss. Weather was perfect and our seats were pretty close (just not closet to the infield). Beer and yummy food were enjoyed by all! I love checking out other stadiums/ball parks/arenas of other teams. Its fun to compare! A LOT of Michganders/Detroit fans came out for the Tigers' last games of the season.

Ryan Rayburn - outfielder and quite gorgeous!
After the game was over (side note: fastest game I've ever been to -over in less than two hours!!), my friend jokingly suggested we figure out a way to meet the Tigers. A quick search on Google (literally, I just searched "Detroit Tigers," "Hotel," Baltimore") pulled up multiple mentions of the same hotel, and it was less than a mile away. So, we decided it couldn't hurt to go to that hotel's bar, order a drink and see what would happen.
As soon as we got there we knew it was the right place. A very nice hotel, but also there were random people in Tigers jerseys; it seemed obvious they were waiting for something. All of a sudden, the outer perimeter of the hotel was filled with police and security, and a really shabby looking bus pulled up. AND OUT CAME THE DETROIT TIGERS!
Most of them went straight to the hotel elevators, but we got to meet & talk with Brandon Inge, who is an amazing 3rd basement and probably one of the nicest athletes I've ever met. I saw my personal favorite Tiger in the flesh, Alex Avila. While at the bar later, we had a great conversation with their Manager, Jim Leyland. I also saw (but didnt talk to) Gerald Laird, a catcher, and Johnny Damon. We also tried to say hello to their pitcher, Justin Verlander, who was extremely rude and would not even say hi - we werent asking for autographs or even taking pictures, just talked to them all. All and in all, we had a fabulous evening and couldnt believe our luck!
Ryan Rayburn - outfielder and quite gorgeous!
After the game was over (side note: fastest game I've ever been to -over in less than two hours!!), my friend jokingly suggested we figure out a way to meet the Tigers. A quick search on Google (literally, I just searched "Detroit Tigers," "Hotel," Baltimore") pulled up multiple mentions of the same hotel, and it was less than a mile away. So, we decided it couldn't hurt to go to that hotel's bar, order a drink and see what would happen.
As soon as we got there we knew it was the right place. A very nice hotel, but also there were random people in Tigers jerseys; it seemed obvious they were waiting for something. All of a sudden, the outer perimeter of the hotel was filled with police and security, and a really shabby looking bus pulled up. AND OUT CAME THE DETROIT TIGERS!
Most of them went straight to the hotel elevators, but we got to meet & talk with Brandon Inge, who is an amazing 3rd basement and probably one of the nicest athletes I've ever met. I saw my personal favorite Tiger in the flesh, Alex Avila. While at the bar later, we had a great conversation with their Manager, Jim Leyland. I also saw (but didnt talk to) Gerald Laird, a catcher, and Johnny Damon. We also tried to say hello to their pitcher, Justin Verlander, who was extremely rude and would not even say hi - we werent asking for autographs or even taking pictures, just talked to them all. All and in all, we had a fabulous evening and couldnt believe our luck!
Alex Avila Brandon Inge |
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I can already tell that October will be one heck of a month. It's only October 2, and I've already had an internship, left an internship, got a job offer (and accepted said job offer!), and a day trip to Baltimore for a baseball game. Needless to say, October is going to be my best month this year, especially once I start my brand new big-girl job- I am no longer an intern and am sooooooo excited. Finally being able to do what I love :) The month of October will also bring a big move, as I search for a new (cheaper) apartment and possible roommates. It will definitely be a busy, adventure packed month, so I'm excited to share some experiences via my blog! Even without all this not usual excitement, October is one of my favorite months of the year.
- The Weather - It's finally cooled down, and I can break out my boots, jeans, trench coats and scarves. Nothing makes me happier. My windows are open and I can finally have fresh air without all the humidity. The leaves change color, its beautiful out. If I'm in the Midwest, I can go to apple orchards, eating donuts and drinking cider. Nothing, is better.
- Sports - College football is in full swing, and the hockey season is just around the corner. Hockey season makes me happy, even if I know I cant go to many games this year since I wont be home! I will resort to watching as many nationally televised games as possible, until I can figure out why my Slingbox doesnt work!
- Coffee - In the summer, drinking hot coffee always feels gross, but I dont particularly enjoy iced coffee. Fall equals warm drinks, curled up under blankets and watching TV or reading a good book. Nothing better.
- Fall Clothes - I love fall clothes. I hate summer clothes - particularly shorts. In fall, I can still wear my dresses, but with leggings; tanks & tees, but with cardigans. It's all about the layering look, which is my favorite. I also just love boots. I would wear boots every day if I could!
- Holidays quickly approaching - I love October because it means the holidays are almost here. And I love spending time with my family members and friends, and eating insane amounts of delicious food.
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