Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Recap

While my Wolverines could not get their act together to defeat the Spartans (the above photo summarizes how our awful defense kept being left in MSU's dust!), this was still a great weekend. I'm turning over a new leaf and trying to appreciate the great things in life, pushing the negatives aside. In the past I've been one to dwell on things I cannot change, but I'm starting to focus on what I can change. Changing my attitude, for one. Eating healthier, spending less money on frivolous items, starting to exercise. Make an effort to be more social. Stop living in the past. Smile more, frown less. Little things then when piled together, will make a huge difference!

Reasons this weekend was fabulous:
  1. My new job at the most amazing PR firm, starts tomorrow, and I am so unbelievably excited. This factor alone would have made my weekend.
  2. Whilst cleaning out  my bathroom counter, I came across a huge stash of money that I probably hid months ago. I'm low on funds right now, so this made my day!
  3. I made a pretty amazing buffalo chicken dip yesterday, and despite the high caloric count, is absolutely delicious.
  4. My parents are just amazing, and sent me a congrats edible arrangement's fruit basket. My Mom remembered me saying I've always wanted one, months ago.
  5. Halloween is almost here - I have festive cookies to make :)
  6. I watched endless amounts of How I Met Your Mother, which never fails to make me happy!
How were your weekends?

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