Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Favorite Accessories: The Headband

Long before Blair Waldorf on Gossip Girl, my go-to accessory has been the headband. Basically, I wear one one almost every day. When you have a crazy curly hair, like me, they make me feel more put together despite my mess of hair. I easily have 20-30+ of them in my bathroom right now. They are my signature go-to accessory, and have been for years. While I'm trying to experiment with new hair styles and leave the head bands at home, I still love ones that have fun patterns or are sparkly. Through Christmases and Birthday's have accumulated a few beautiful sparkly ones that are fit for a princess. 

How gorgeous are these ones from Anthropology? I actually have the bottom two. They boost up any bland outfit!
What's your go-to accessory?

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved the IDEA of headbands, but I never get the motivation to attempt to wear them, hmmm...
