I watched the Super Bowl last night with my roommate, more for the commercials than anything. I played games on my iPad and ate lots of food, while watching commercials and counting down until Glee (and lets be honest, I totally watched the Puppy Bowl for some cute overload). Not very many commercials impressed me, but one in particular stood out to me.. as just amazing. It represented Detroit and my state SO well. We may have a high unemployment rate and things have not gone our way, and have a not great reputation. I feel like a lot of people who aren't from Michigan just don't get Detroit/my state. But, the people from Michigan have immense pride - and this commercial shows it.
Check it out. I love that our celebrities, especially Eminem and Kid Rick, use their fame to help voice their pride for our state.
Also, I loved that both the Steelers and Green Bay have former UMichers on their team. Even more state pride!
That commercial brought chills! I loved it.