Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What I'm reading: January

Last year, I set a goal for myself to read 40 books in 2013, and I ended up reading 49. It became a sort of competition (with myself) to see how many books I could actually read. It was an awesome feeling to look at my Goodreads profile, and see how many different books I'd read, and how many pages I'd read over the past year. I've set a goal for myself this year, of 50 books (or 18,000 pages if I read long books). Yes, it's probably a little ambitious but I love reading so I'm excited to see how far I get. You can always follow along on my Goodreads page.

I have a pretty good sense of what I'm going to be reading for at least a little while - I have a lot of books i"m on a wait list for with my library's (awesome) ebook system. With so much time off for the holidays, I've read three books so far this month: The Longest Ride, The Lowland, and The Fault in Our Stars.

All were completely different styles - but I did enjoy John Green's book the most - it is so sad, but wonderful. I'm glad I read it before seeing the new movie this spring. Read that one first, it wont disappoint.

I'm currently reading the Beautiful & the Damned; a presidential biography on LBJ, and Elizabeth Gilbert's newest book. Again, all completely different, but all wonderful in their own way.

Any must reads for me? I'm trying to branch out from what's "current" on the bestsellers lists (hence, the F. Scott Fitzgerald), so lay it on me! I'll read almost anything.

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