Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sequin Envy

Lately, I've been having some major sequin envy. It's a trend I'm noticing that is popping up every story I walk into, but not one that I think I could pull off very easily. For me, I think I'd love to try and find some accessories, such as shoes, bags, or jewelery, to dress up an otherwise dull outfit. Would you wear this look?
Sequin Envy

Monday, May 30, 2011

Why I love DC: #1 Cherry Blossoms

There are many times I don't appreciate the city I live in, and I grumble about how expensive things are, the humidity, or the metro. But, at the end of the day, I love where I live and living in our nation's capitol. I'm going to make this a new section of my blog, "Why I love DC" to look back on as little reminders for why DC is so amazing.

These photos are now a few months old, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats the cherry blossom season in DC. Its such a short time window, but it is just beautiful. Walking around the Tidal Basin, knowing that spring is in the air and looking at the amazing blossoms, you can't help be happy with life. Here are a few of my favorite photos.