About the Girl

Welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere; blogging and writing is something that makes me happy and I'm so glad you've came across my blog.

My dreams and interests are constantly changing as I experience new things and figure out just who I am; this blog allows me to capture those things.

I'm a 20s something girl who grew up in the Midwest my entire life; I'm a proud University of Michigan graduate and would not have it any other way. It wasn't until my junior year of college, after interning at a public relations firm in Washington DC, that I realized what I wanted to do with my life after graduation- move to DC and work in PR. That's exactly what I've done, and though it may taken me longer to find my way than some of my friends, I can finally say I'm 100% happy with my career. Each day I'm  still so excited to be living in the District and working at an amazing firm, currently focusing on healthcare. Every day, I learn something new.

As my blog title alludes, I am quite the caffeine addict, and love all things coffee related. There is rarely a morning where I don't have a cup of coffee in my hands. I love weekend mornings where I can get comfortable on my couch with my cup and catch up on news, blogs, emails, life. Its the perfect way to start your day.

Have questions? Just ask!