Monday, February 10, 2014

Olympic Moments Part One

I'm a huge Olympic nerd. I love it - the competition, the stories, the pride for your country. Learning about Olympians from your hometown/State (this year there are SO many Michganders competing for team USA, and many more Olympians from other countries who train in Michigan (Team Italy and Team Canada's pair ice dancers all skate in Michigan, to name a few). 

It's only day two, and I already have a few favorite moments. All images/links came directly from the NBC Olympic site. I'm counting down the minutes until men's hockey starts up; I am wishing for a USA/Team Sweden showdown. My  DVR is already geared up so I don't miss any big moments while I'm at the office and I cannot wait to see what special moments happen. What have been some of your favorite moments so far? 
  • I absolutely loved the team ice skating event. It was so fun to watch, and the Russian performances were just flawless. Team USA was fantastic as well.
  • Meryl Davis and Charlie White, anyone? Their performances have been amazing in the team ice skating, (plus shout out to the fact that they're fellow UMichers and grew up very close to my hometown). If you haven't watched any of their performances, here it is from the first round.

I don't know who this is, to be honest, but the photo is just unreal.

I'm so happy Team USA won bronze; this Russian team was amazing, as well.

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