Monday, January 3, 2011

Reflecting on 2010

I've neglected my blog over the holidays; spending two weeks back in my hometown distracted me from everything online related, aside from being online for my job. Christmas and New Years has come and gone, and they were lovely. I had a wonderful white Christmas, filled with oodles of family, food, and laughs. Of course, there were presents too, but it was more about my family. I mourned the horrendous University of Michigan football loss in the Gator Bowl, and went to hockey games, as well. But, its great to be back in the District, and getting into my routine again. I have a lot of posts lined up, as a result of my neglect.

I entered 2010 in a rough patch. I was jobless, single, and living at home, and just sad. What a difference a year makes. I brought in 2010 in Chicago, IL and it started with a bang. I had hoped by doing something special for NYE it would mean 2010 would be better. I was able to get an amazing internship, and moved to Washington, DC on a whim. I knew one person, and moved alone, and lived completely alone for the first time. I explored my  new city, tried new restaurants, and loved every thing about it (despite the horrible metro). I visited Philadelphia on 4th of July, and had a family wedding in my back yard. I met The Detroit Tigers. I finally have a real job I absolutely love. I moved into a new apartment and got a roommate. This has been an amazing growing year for me, and I've learned a lot about myself. I know I can be independent and live on my own. I'm teaching myself how to cook, and on my way to becoming an "adult."

2010 was a better year for me - but I think 2011 will be even better as I grow in my job and continue get more comfortable in DC and develop my social life. I have lots of goals (and a few minor resolutions) I hope to achieve this year. Those will be a whole nother post.I hope my blog will continue to evolve and grow as I do. 

I hope all my lovely readers had a wonderful holiday season, and are just as excited for the new year and "new beginnings" as I am! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad 2010 went well for you...I'm sure 2011 will be amazing!
